What is that part of the dress called?

Communication is so important to the entire of process of selecting, customizing, and fitting your gown. You need to be able to communicate your ideas and what the picture in your head looks like. Here are some helpful vocabulary terms.

Bodice: the part of a gown between the waist and the shoulder. 

Skirt: not just a separate garment, but also the part of a gown below the waist

Seam: where two pieces of fabric are joined together

Seam Allowance: the fabric on the inside of the seam. The size of the seam allowance determines if a garment can be let out (made larger). 

Waist seam: a seam often, but not always, at the waist that connects the bodice and skirt

Princess seam: a shaping seam that runs vertically over the bust to shape the bodice over the bust. Princess seams can run down the entire length of the gown, eliminating the need for a waist seam

French seam: a small seam often used on sheer fabric where the cut edge of the fabric is encased in the seam allowance. Garments sewn with french seams cannot be let out.

Hem: both a verb and a noun! The hem is the finished bottom edge of a skirt (or sleeve), you hem a garment to finish the bottom edge, or make it shorter.

Armsceye: (AHRM-sy, -zy) the armhole seam where the sleeve is attached. A too tight armsceye is torture! A too big one can gape and restrict movement.

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